Online Certified YTT - 5 Benefits of Enrolling in Online Yoga Teacher Training

Online Certified YTT - 5 Benefits of Enrolling in Online Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga students and teachers often have that pull, that desire, to learn more about this sacred practice. There are plenty of courses that offer advanced yoga teacher training which can help in your pursuit of credentials, but what if you don’t have the time or travel is not an option? Years ago, attending a scheduled yoga teacher training was the only option. Today, there are fantastic online yoga teacher training courses that allow you to learn at your desk, with many benefits over in-person training. 

1. Saving money is a major benefit of Online Yoga Teacher Training

Perhaps the most apparent benefit to enrolling in online yoga teacher training is saving time and money. Online courses tend to be more affordable than in-person training, and you will be saving travel dollars by not attending a school. 

Online yoga teacher training also means that courses previously taught in far-off locations are suddenly at your fingertips. Yes, you will save on travel, housing, and the yoga education that calls to you is available.  For folks living in a small town with limited offerings, an online option means you’re able pursue teacher training in a New York Yoga Studio without having to re-locate, for example.

2. Create your own comfortable environment

Today's busy lifestyles and schedules don't always mesh with in-person learning. Your studies fit into your schedule by participating in a yoga teaching course online. You will also work through the course syllabus at your speed, and in some cases, choose the order of topics or modules. 

When you do settle into your space to learn, you have the opportunity to make your study area unique to your needs. Many in-person trainings may not provide the physical comfort that your home or office does, often you spend hours in a hard chair or on your mat. 

When planning your space, consider seating, colors, pillows, sounds, lighting, and any other decor and ambiance that suits your personality. Allow for easy charging of any technology you use to study, just in case.  

3. Self-Paced Learning With On-Demand Curriculum

We all process and learn information in different ways. Online yoga teacher training lets you study according to your best learning method. Are you more of a visual or auditory learner? Do you like to watch videos again, are you a note-taker, or do you articulate and repeat the information? You no longer have to maneuver your learning style around a classroom setting. 

The coursework and materials may also differ from in-person yoga teacher trainings. With videos, take advantage of pause, rewind, and even start again at a different time. 

Online discussions with fellow students and instructors can include email, video calls, conference calls, even texting. Choose the communication method that you prefer.  

4. More opportunities to focus on a specific passion

With the vast opportunities to enhance your yoga teacher educationv, you can choose to obtain an RYT200, RYT300, or even an RYT500 online. You may also choose to dive into Ayurveda or study to become a Yoga Therapist. While these courses are longer, they concentrate on specific paths to support wellness. 

The option to concentrate on a more precise topic is also available online. Courses may be a short and singular continuing education class, a shorter course, or even a few modules of more extensive programs. And chances are, you will find a course that suits you available all the time without waiting for a specific start date.  

5. Real-world experiences of virtual learning 

Studying such an interpersonal tradition as yoga can seem daunting without direct contact. However, this is becoming how the world operates. Your experiences with virtual learning give you immense insights into your students' feelings as they practice with you.  

You also have the possibility of expanding your yoga community beyond the physical distance to your teachings. Your students don't need to be your neighbors. There's no time like the present to get going on your yoga teaching education

Searching for an accredited Online Advanced Yoga Teacher Training program?

Consider viewing our online course at - Prema Yoga Institute is longer limited to New York City and is now available online with interactive trainings through 2022. PYI is an accredited program based in New York city, teaching students around the globe through online classes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you advance your yoga practice and teaching!

While you’re here, we’d love to invite you to consider our Online (Accredited) courses at Prema Yoga Institute. Enrollment for our upcoming Online Course “Yoga Therapeutics Essentials” is now open and features:

  • Yoga for All Bodies

  • Pranayama, Philosophy, Meditations

  • Restorative Yoga Essentials

  • Slow Flow Essentials

  • Introduction to Ayurveda and One-on-One Yoga

  • Care for the Caregiver Focus: Restorative Yoga

  • 3 weeks of meaningful live hours with your faculty and cohort

  • Option to complete online or in person for selected hours at Pure Yoga in New York City

  • In-person registrants receive one month of complimentary yoga classes at Pure Yoga through February (for non-members only)

Learn more at:

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