Why Your RYT-500 Should Include Yoga Therapeutics Essentials Training

Why Your RYT-500 Should Include Yoga Therapeutics Essentials Training

Yoga teachers appreciate that the public is starting to better understand that yoga is more than just an exercise-based way to spend an hour. Yoga can be therapeutically based, focusing on all physiological and psychological conditions.

We know from yogic traditions and current research that yoga has a vital role in the nervous system, and overall, can affect the health and mental wellness of the practitioner.

But how do you, the yoga teacher, focus and train on the essential aspects of yoga to inform such a diverse and unique client?

Downregulating the nervous system

Yoga impacts overall wellness and health when the nervous system downregulates. The benefits of yoga, like reduced stress, clarity of mind, and increased mobility, result from the nervous system switching from sympathetic mode to parasympathetic mode. 

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) keeps our body's functions alert and ready to fight or flee. Heart rates are higher, pupils take in more light, our digestive system slows, and muscles energize to contract and carry us away. Not surprisingly, this state is anxious and increases stress hormones such as cortisol. There is little room for physical healing and mental calm when the body continuously functions in this agitated state. 

The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is the body's peaceful state, with lower stress and less anxiety. The background functions of the body are the priority, such as relaxation and digestion. There is a calmness to the body, and therefore the mind. The PNS activity allows the whole person to mend and quiet.  

The primary purpose of yoga is to transition the body and mind from the high-stress SNS into a state of peaceful bliss. It seems logical that the fastest way to stimulate the PNS is through meditation; this is only one way. Training in yoga therapeutic essentials across all aspects of your teaching plan allows your clients an utterly transformative experience to find peace in movement and meditation.  

Benefits of advanced teacher training in yoga therapeutic essentials

Bringing your yoga teachings back to the essentials - the profound and straightforward yoga traditions - provides your clients with a holistic approach to their wellness.

Yoga clients are presented with the challenges of aging, diseases, injuries, and unique anatomy. From the teaching perspective, it's not always beneficial to understand how these things came to be, but instead to help your client thrive in their present state and move towards positive and safe change.  

Therapeutic yoga essentials are tools not for diagnosis or specific prescriptions, but a body and mind therapy style. Asana, modifications, props, dialogue, guided meditations, and pranayama focus clients inward for heightened self-actualization. Here, the PNS is activated, and all healing aspects can align. 

Guiding your clients into a state of increased self-awareness allows them to take your teachings off the mat and into daily life. It's one thing to help your clients while in their presence; it's another to teach them to regulate themselves.  

It's not surprising that mental wellness is addressed parallel to the exploration of the physical body. Diseases, injuries, and aging all produce negativity, anxiety, and uncertainty. Yoga allows the mind and body to overcome perceived inadequacies in both realms. 

Advancing your yoga teaching skills with a registered yoga school

The skills to successfully guide the down-regulation of the nervous system include restorative and slow-flow yoga, guided meditation, and pranayama. Teaching clients to understand, scan, and respect their bodies also goes hand in hand with down-regulation of the nervous system.  

When your clients have different body styles, injuries, and physical and psychological differences, you must adjust your guidance to include these variables.  

Investing in advanced yoga teaching education certainly increases knowledge and credentials, allowing you to explore areas of your yoga passions. Pursuing yoga therapeutic essentials as part of your continuing education or RYT500 solidifies the foundational concepts of teaching yoga.

In addition, exploring the therapeutic essentials weaves nicely with other areas of the yoga tradition, such as Ayruveda and Yoga Nidra. A well-rounded advanced yoga education also focuses on biomechanics and anatomy, preparing you to teach skillfully to diverse populations. 

Ready to explore Yoga Therapeutics Essentials? Enrollment is now OPEN for Prema Yoga Institute’sYoga Therapeutics Essentials” in 2022

Explore how a yoga and meditation practice can significantly support health and wellness. Learn the science and physiology behind the "down-regulating" aspects of restorative yoga, Hatha, meditation, slow flow, and pranayama. "Scan" the body to improve symmetry and manage pain, to alter postures when in recovery, and to practice mindfully as you age. Modify your practice and teaching mindfully in chair yoga, rope wall work, and propping. Learn ancient, evidence-informed techniques to reduce anxiety and depression, as well as how adjust teaching and practice when an injury of disease is present.

Prema Yoga Institute’s ”Yoga Therapeutics Essentials” is perfect for yoga teachers, therapists, and yoga enthusiasts alike (NOTE: Tuesdays and Sundays will have an in-person option, based on how you enroll).

What you will learn in the Yoga Therapeutics Essentials program:

Yoga for All Bodies

  • Review anatomy, detailing how to prevent injuries in yoga and support rehabilitation.

  • Create accessible classes for Back Care, Older Populations, and Beginners.

  • Adjust one-on-one yoga for back care, joint health, and proper alignment.

  • How to make yoga accessible with chair yoga and sequences at the wall.

  • Adapt the practice for osteoporosis, scoliosis, arthritis, common injuries, the effects of aging, and more.

Pranayama, Philosophy, Meditations

  • The science of breathing.

  • The path of health and wellness in the Yoga Sutras.

  • Modifying the practice when anxiety, depression, and mixed anxiety/depression may be present

  • Meditations for balance and wellness.

  • How to integrate meditation into your Slow Flow and Restorative classes effectively.

Restorative Yoga Essentials

  • The science behind down-regulating yoga.

  • “High prop” and “low prop” options to practice restorative anywhere.

  • Acupressure points for self-massage and energetic flow.

  • Building a successful restorative class that’s modified for the seasons and for your clients’ needs.

Slow Flow Essentials

  • The neurological argument for slow flow and restorative yoga.

  • Desikachar-inspired sequences to move the lymph and support immunity.

  • Normalizing props to make vinyasa accessible to all bodies.

  • The physiological basis behind warm-ups Sequencing for ease and sustainability.

  • How to create a calm and meditative flow.

  • How to build heat with a limited range of motion.

  • Sequencing for the Seasons.

Introduction to Ayurveda and One-on-One Yoga

  • Exploring the doshas (body/personality types) as inspiration in practice and teaching.

  • Adjusting the yoga practice for time of year, time of day, and time of life.

  • Bringing your practice off the mat in a practical, holistic way.

  • Using intake to personalize the yoga practice for your clients.

Care for the Caregiver Focus: Restorative Yoga

 Yoga Therapeutics Essentials program format features:

  • Convenient self study hours  

  • 3 weeks of meaningful live hours with your faculty and cohort  

  • Option to complete online or in person for selected hours at Pure Yoga in New York City
    In-person registrants receive one month of complimentary yoga classes at Pure Yoga through February (for non-members only)

Learn more at: PremaYogaInstitute.com

Prema Yoga Institute is longer limited to New York City and is now available online with interactive trainings through 2022. PYI is an accredited program based in New York city, teaching students around the globe through online classes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you advance your yoga practice and teaching!

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