Goals and Benefits of Completing a 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Goals and Benefits of Completing a 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Both aspiring yoga teachers and current yoga teachers have the opportunity to learn more about their craft with an advanced yoga teacher training course. Perhaps you are ready to become a yoga teacher or would like to sharpen your existing skills. The time is right to explore your options. 

Goals of a 300-hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

By completing a 300-hour (300-RYT) course, you will increase your overall teaching skill level. Thorough education on detailed asana techniques and extensive pranayama and meditative methods prepare you for teaching at a higher level, and to a more diverse audience. Part of the coursework includes hours spent honing your teaching skills with the guidance of the course's mentors. 

There is also an exploration into topics that are often just touched upon in a traditional 200-hour training, such as chanting, kriyas, meditation, and yoga nidra.  

You will complete an in-depth study of anatomy and physiology, including energy systems such as chakras and nadis. This knowledge applies to teaching advanced asana, functional mobility, and flexibility to your students. Understanding anatomy prepares you for safe and effective cueing while teaching a class. 

The 300-RYT yoga teacher training dives into the study of traditional yogic principles. Philosophies and texts, like the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita, may be examined in depth. Modern-day ethical practices and service to others is explored as well. These topics reflect the long history of yoga's meaning. 

The advanced yoga teacher trainings also provide elective hours. You may choose to explore your personal yoga passion more deeply with additional readings. You may opt to attend yoga classes to reconnect with your journey by becoming a student again. Or, choose to explore yoga specialties that are new to widen your experiences. 

Benefits of a 300-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Becoming a yoga teacher sometimes blurs the lines between your time as a student and your new time as a guide. However, by studying yoga traditions, you will be reminded of how your practice came to be. Your yoga practice will be reborn with a new perspective.

You can discover a niche yoga practice. Learning about different styles and teachings allows you to bring that specialty into your community. A yoga niche does not have to be your sole focus while teaching, although it certainly can be. Unique skills set you apart and expose your students to novel ideas. 

Perhaps your knowledge will encourage you to explore your entrepreneurial side. Your advanced credentials and specialized knowledge are a solid framework for creating your own yoga business. If this isn't your calling, your experience in the 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training still grants you advanced credentials to enrich your resume. 

The completion of a 300-hour (300-RYT) training allows you to serve the unique needs of your community. You will be prepared to teach all levels of students and those with diverse needs or perceived limitations. Your classes and teachings will be safe, accessible, and of excellent service to your community. 

The road to becoming a "teacher of teachers" begins with advanced yoga trainings. For millennia, the yogic life was learned from texts, traditions, and teachings passed from teacher to student. To carry on this responsibility by becoming a mentor and supporting future teachers, Yoga Alliance advises that you complete an advanced teacher training and accumulate a significant amount of hours practicing your craft. An experienced yoga teacher that has completed the 200-hour and the 300-hour RYT courses can become the lead trainer for new yoga teachers after registration.  

Perhaps you are ready for something new in your yoga practice, but are unsure of what that is? A 300-hour course is the opportunity for your next step to appear.  

Check out Prema Yoga Institute for Online Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainings

While you’re here, we’d love to invite you to check out Prema Yoga Institute, which is longer limited to New York City and is now available online with interactive trainings through 2022.

PYI is an accredited program based in New York city, teaching students around the globe through online classes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you advance your yoga practice and teaching!

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