4 Signs You Are Ready for Advanced Yoga Teacher Training (RYT500)

4 Signs You Are Ready for Advanced Yoga Teacher Training (RYT500)

If you have a clue, a gut feeling, or that quiet inner voice that prods you to take an advanced yoga teacher training course, you are ready. Although, it's human nature to ignore those callings. That's perfectly natural, so here are 4 more concrete reasons for you to pursue your RYT500 credentials.

1. There are questions for you to answer

Do your students ask questions that require more profound answers? This inquiry might be a literal question in the course of conversation, or you observe a student stumbling in their yoga journey, needing guidance. Would you like to be more knowledgeable with your answers?

Along those same lines, do you find yourself researching yoga topics online to dig a little deeper for answers? It doesn't matter if you research specific topics or crave learning more about everything; your search history knows your curiosity, and it's telling you to go forth and advance your teacher training

Related article: “5 Reasons Every Yoga Teacher Should Pursue a 500-Hour RYT Certification

2. You would like to enhance your yoga teaching career

Taking advanced yoga teacher training boosts your resume and improves your marketability as a yoga teacher. Your RYT500 title makes you desirable for leading specialty classes, workshops, and weekend retreats.  

The education and practice that comes with an RYT500 also gets you closer to becoming a teacher of teachers, training the next wave of yoga teachers. You will also have ample teaching and practical experience to start your own yoga business. It's even possible to create an online format for your business.

With advanced studies comes expanded opportunities.

Related article: “Take Your Yoga Teaching Business to The Next Level

3. You seek mentorship

The history of yoga is based on scriptures and teachings passed down from teacher to student over countless generations. It's essential to keep this history alive, passing knowledge from your teacher to your students. 

If you don't already have a mentor, continuing your yoga education will help you find one. Or a second one, if that's the case. Mentors serve to provide emotional and practical guidance in all aspects of your yogic life. There is no safer feeling than developing a relationship with a mentor.

Perhaps, as a yoga teacher, you mentor some students who wish to follow in your footsteps and become teachers. What better way to show them the path than by going further down it yourself.  

At the same time, becoming a student again is a humbling experience. Studying yields insights and reminders of the learning experience, thus creating a more profound empathy for your students and mentees. 

Related article: “
Enrolling in Advanced Yoga Teacher Training to Guide Other Teachers

4. You have a calling to study a specific aspect of yoga

What are you most passionate about in yoga? What would you say? Ayurveda, anatomy, philosophy, accessibility, or yoga therapy, to name a few? We all have passions and working towards your RYT500 certifications can help you fulfill those passions. Advanced yoga teacher training is also the first step towards the highly regarded yoga therapy designation, the certification of individual yoga therapists (C-IAYT.)  

Related article: “Tips for Creating a Successful Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Practice

You are ready, pursue your Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Enrolling in advanced yoga teacher training course may breathe new life into your yoga career and help you enjoy your practice in fulfilling new ways.

There are many benefits to pursuing Advanced Yoga Teacher Training. And due to the recent boom in remote learning, many of the courses have gone online.

In fact, if you think you’re ready - we’d love to invite you to check out Prema Yoga Institute for Online Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainings. Prema Yoga Institute is longer limited to New York City and is now available online with interactive trainings through 2022. PYI is an accredited program based in New York city, teaching students around the globe through online classes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you advance your yoga practice and teaching!

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