Kids’ Yoga and Pranayama: Teaching Fun Breathwork Exercises

Pranayama is one of the eight limbs of yoga. It focuses on breath and its regulation. Through breathwork, one can elevate life energies and improve mental and physical wellness.

In this blog, we’ll list down some of the breathwork exercises that you can implement as a kids’ yoga teacher.

Different Breathwork Exercises

Here are some suggestions for breathwork exercises:


Balloon Breath

Breathe in through the nose and fill up the belly. Then, breathe out through the nose and release air from the belly. Encourage the kids to imagine their belly is a balloon and to feel it with one hand on the navel.

Candle Breath

Breathe through the nose as if smelling a flower. Then, breath out through the mouth as if gently blowing a candle out. This slows down the breath for a calming effect.

Conductor Breath

Quickly inhale through the nose three times. Then, do a long exhale through the nose. The kids can paly as if they are directing a choir to the “beat” of the breath.

Mantra Breath

Breathe in through the nose. Then, breathe out and say a mantra out loud. A mantra can be any positive word or thought repeated, such as “I am happy / I am well.”

Power Breath

Breathe in through the nose. Then, say “Ha!” loudly while exhaling.

Rainbow Breath

Breathe in and breathe out. Repeat this cycle, one each for every rainbow color. With younger kids, you can use the arms to pretend you’re painting a rainbow.

Snake Breath

Breathe in through the nose. Then, breathe out slowly through gritted teeth, emulating a hiss sound.

Sun Breath

Reach your arms out to the sky while breathing in slowly. Then, slowly put the arms down to the sides while breathing out.

Volcano Breath

Squat down while breathing in. Then, breathe out while standing up and making the sound of an exploding volcano.

Here are other exercises you can include:

  • Ahh! Breath

  • Bee Breath

  • Bunny Breath

  • Cake Breath

  • Horse Breath

  • Lion’s Breath

  • Mirror Breath

  • Ocean Breath

  • Rollercoaster Breath

  • Shape Breath

  • Shhh! Breath

  • Straw Breath

  • Starfish Breath

Check out these sources for other breathing activities:

Breathe Like a Bear by Kira Willey; Yoga for Children by Lisa Flynn; and Alphabreaths by Dr. Chris Willard

How Breathwork Helps Children

These are a lot of benefits that youngsters get when you teach yoga classes for kids.

For instance, breathwork helps calm the nervous system down. Children who practice breathwork tend to stay calm in certain situations and different environments.

For younger kids, tying breathwork with animal sounds can help make the practice fun. As a result, they are more likely to familiarize themselves with various animals.

Breathwork also helps lower anxiety and stress levels, which can be very helpful especially when they are of school age, tackling expectations both from school and family life. It also helps improve their focus and concentration, especially when studying and participating in their classes at school.


Pranayama offers a lot of benefits to the children. The suggested breathwork exercises can help such kids take advantage of the benefits, especially when you incorporate them into your yoga lessons.

Interested in training to become a Certified Kids Yoga Teacher? Our Yoga Alliance-approved Kids’ Inclusive Yoga Teacher Training course is online, and focuses on sharing yoga with all kids! Please check out all the information HERE.


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