Building Precious Immunity
Hug a tree to build your Ojas, they said.
My teachers in ‘Ayurveda and Immunity’ at Prema Yoga Institute are sharing ways to retain and build your vigor and resiliency that is the root of our immunity.
Ojas is an Ayurvedic concept and refers to that shield that helps us ward off stress and sickness. When our Ojas is good we have a glowing complexion, a sense of well-being, the ability to endure, and a feeling of lightness in body and mind.
Hug a tree to build your Ojas, they said.
My teachers in ‘Ayurveda and Immunity’ at Prema Yoga Institute are sharing ways to retain and build your vigor and resiliency that is the root of our immunity.
Ojas is an Ayurvedic concept and refers to that shield that helps us ward off stress and sickness. When our Ojas is good we have a glowing complexion, a sense of well-being, the ability to endure, and a feeling of lightness in body and mind.
On the other hand, when we have low Ojas, we feel depleted. Signs of low Ojas include:
Dry skin
Cold hands and feet
Sensitivity to light and sound
Muscle or joint pain
Heaviness in body and mind
Drowsiness or fatigue
Tendency to get sick frequently
Lack of focus
Constant negative attitude
“We must guard our Ojas like a savings account,” Ayurvedic practitioner Julia Abramova says, taking care not to withdraw too much and potentially experience depletion and eventually disease.
So how to you build up your Ojas if it’s depleted?
Strengthen your digestive fire (get on a good eating routine, don’t overeat, etc)
Eat Ojas-building foods that are sweet, heavy, smooth, cool, stable (avocados, bananas, soaked dates, soaked raisins, fresh figs, sweet potatoes, mung beans, ghee, milk, almonds)
Do restorative yoga
Rest! All healing begins in rest.
Practice Abhyanga or Self-massage with Oils
Practice Pratyahara - disconnect from sensory overload
Walk in the moonlight
Forest bathing
So here’s a suggestion: go stand in nature and put yourself on “receive” mode, taking in the soothing sounds, gentle air, and life force of the beings around you. Drink in the beauty that surrounds you. Build your Ojas!
Ayurveda and Immunity Course, Prema Yoga Institute
Julia Abramova, E-RYT500, Founder and Program Director of Jyoti Yoga & Healing, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT)
Ann Grace MacMullan is a yoga teacher and owner at Team Sun Wellness, a Philadelphia-based company whose mission is to help people of all walks of life take care of themselves through mindful movement and focused breathing. She is also a yoga therapy student at Prema Yoga Institute.